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Entries in travel (1)


Healthy Sleep on the Road

Many of us have trouble sleeping on the road. I’m a light sleeper and the past two weeks of hotel living have been tough. Here are some quick tips to improve your sleep:


  1. Essential Oils can be an excellent way to enhance your sleep at a hotel. My go to oil for sleep on the road is lavender. An open bottle of oil on the nightstand or a few drops on the pillowcase can help ease you into sleep as you inhale the soothing fragrance.
  2. Take your own pillow. Many of us have a pillow that feels “just right.” If you are pillow firmness and shape sensitive then its worth it to take your own pillow. Don’t sacrifice your sleep, most pillows can be readily squashed to fit in your luggage.
  3. Ask for a hypoallergenic pillow or room. If you aren’t taking your own pillow, ask for a hypoallergenic one or for an entire room. These pillows/rooms are laundered differently and less likely to have mites that may make breathing more difficult.
  4. Use the blackout curtains.
  5. If you need white noise, download a few tracks to your phone or portable device and play on repeat throughout the night.
  6. If you're still struggling, try downloading some relaxation tracks onto your phone to listen to as you go to sleep.